Monday, June 8, 2015

Script example

When cold calling prospects you should of course have a short script. Here's one of the scripts from mlmrecruitondemand. When making a call ask for prospective and introduce yourself, continue with, I was hoping you could help point me in the right direction. The reason for my call is i live in ( city, state) and i am looking to expand my business. I am in the network marketing industry. I understand that you have been in the industry at some point in the past or was interested and i just wanted to touch base with you to see if you might be open to looking at a good opportunity. Now if open explain the opportunity, ask them when would they have some extra alone time to watch a overview video of the company and when would be the best time to follow up. Get time and date to follow up and send them your link. When following up ask, in your opinion do you ( feel or believe ) this would help. If yes ask suppose I was able to satisfy that concern in your opinion do you feel you are ready to move forward. If yes, do you think you could apply some of what I talked about tonight..... This is just an example of what a script should look like when contacting cold traffic

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