Monday, June 8, 2015

The process

Many businesses today are using an online sales funnel where a prospect click on a online ad which leads to a landing page ( where they're immediately asked to enter their name and email address) in exchange for more information on the product or service. Then the prospect is rushed to a sales copy webpage, followed by a check out page to enter their payment information. When the sale is made they send you a " thank you " confirming the order. So how does this all work? If you have a list customers ( or prospective customers ) whom you can reach by e-mail, you simply run an open-ended conversation sent by e-mail, ask them what their single challenge is along with several additional questions and use this information to really figure out who your customers is on a deep ( and often more honest) level. If you don't have a list to e-mail, you can begin to create a list while at the same time finding out what those customers want to buy by creating a landing page to acquire the customer information.if you don't have a list and you choose to build a landing page and supporting website to acquire data. The primary goal of this page or website is not to make money or maximize profits, but to maximize learning. Yours using it to ask people a series of small, non-threatening, multiple choice questions prior to asking more-pointed and private questions like " what's your name and email address?" Why put people through a simple survey before asking people for their name and email? The reason is simple. People are generally hesitant to give out their name and email when visiting a new website, and that's understandable. When you start by asking a few simple multiple choice questions that are far less threatening and personal, it builds " action-taking momentum "towards the final step of entering their name and email. You'll be able to later use this information to customize your marketing message. This is a win win for both you and the customer. Once you have an existing email list write an email that goes out to your list that directs people to your website. If you don't have an existing list you can drive cold paid traffic to a landing page or website. Set up a simple site with a landing page and a two-step e-mail opt in process, whereby you simultaneously obtain a prospect name and email address. Your landing page should have a mix of text and graphics explaining what your offering in exchange for the prospect feedback, followed by a link button or combination thereof which directs people to your website. Cold traffic can be purchased here

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